schwannomas account for 8 to 10 percent of all
intracranial tumors and 70 to 80 percent of CPA
tumors. They most frequently arise from the
vestibular portion of the eighth cranial nerve.
These tumors occur most commonly between the ages of
30 and 70 years, with a peak incidence between ages
40 and 60. Patients with type 2 neurofibromatosis
often develop bilateral acoustic schwannomas, which
is sufficient to make the diagnosis of the disease.
Approximately 5 to 20 percent of patients with
solitary intracranial schwannomas have type 2
neurofibromatosis. In the majority of patients,
acoustic schwannomas will develop as a sporadic
neoplasm. Vestibular schwannomas are thought to
arise from the transition point between myelin
production from oligodendrocytes (central myelin)
and that from schwann cells (peripheral myelin).
This point of transition is usually thought to occur
at the opening (porus acusticus) of the lAC. For
this reason most acoustic schwannomas are thought to
arise within the lAC. In one review (17 percent)
acoustic schwannomas were entirely intracanalicular,
(10 percent) were purely extracanalicular and (74
percent) occupied both the CPA cistern and the lAC.
There are two primary explanations for the purely
extracanalicular lesion, the transition point
occurs in the CPA cistern and with growth the distal
vestibular nerve is avulsed.
On unenhanced CT,
schwannomas are generally isodense to hypodense
relative to the pons and adjacent brain and
generally protrude into the CPA cistern. This is
associated with widening of the ipsilateral CPA
cistern and in this location is a diagnostic sign of
an extra-axial neoplasm. A mass effect on the
cerebellum and fourth ventricle is variable and
depends on the size of the tumor. Calcification is
exceedingly rare and if demonstrated, should raise
the suspicion of a meningioma. A CT bone algorithm
with 1.5-mm-thick sections will reveal the
characteristic remodeling of the porus acusticus and
widening of the lAC. Occasionally, large tumors will
be entirely extracanalicular and there will be no
bony erosion or lAC widening. In these instances the
diagnosis of an acoustic schwannoma is less certain.
Following the
intravenous infusion of an iodinated contrast agent
most acoustic schwannomas (two-thirds) enhance
homogeneously, especially small neoplasms. Larger
neoplasms are more likely to enhance around the
periphery, while the central portion will be
relatively nonenhancing. Areas of inhomogeneous
enhancement correspond to necrosis, cystic
degeneration or hemorrhage.
thin-section CT is limited in its ability to detect
small lesions confined to the internal auditory
canal, thus, contrast-enhanced MRI has become the
most sensitive technique in the evaluation of
acoustic schwannomas, replacing CT and gas CT
cisternography for assessment of small
intracanalicular lesions.
(3-mm) MRI evaluation of the internal auditory
structures is the modality of choice. The use of a
contrast agent is paramount because prior to the use
of gadolinium agents, many of the smaller lesions
were missed. On unenhanced T1 -weighted studies most
acoustic schwannomas are isointense or hypointense
to adjacent brain tissue (pons). Occasionally, the
tumor is brighter than the adjacent brain on
T1-weighted images: this may occur because of
proteinaceous fluid or recent intratumoral
The appearance on
T2-weighted images is more variable, with larger
tumors tending to be more heterogeneous in
morphology and signal intensity. Acoustic
schwannomas are composed of various concentrations
of Antoni A and Antoni B type histologic patterns.
Antoni type A tissue has a compact texture composed
of interwoven bundles of bipolar spindle cells: this
usually results in areas of homogeneous signal on
T2-weighted images. Antoni type B tissue consists of
a loose reticulated myxoid matrix within which
degenerative changes, including cyst formation and
fatty degeneration are common, this usually results
in heterogeneous hyperintensity on T2-weighted
images. Tumor vascularity produces well-defined
curvilinear areas of signal void. These vessels have
the potential for thrombosis and haemorrhage,
contributing to mixed attenuation patterns on CT and
a mixed signal pattern on MRI.
Oedema of the
adjacent brain is best visualized on T2-weighted
images and although not marked it can be seen to a
mild to moderate degree. Virtually all acoustic
schwannomas enhance intensely after gadolinium
contrast administration. In one large series, the
enhancement pattern was homogeneous in 67 percent,
slightly inhomogeneous in 10 percent and
heterogeneous in 22 percent.
Of the tumors with
a component in the CPA cistern, most are centered at
the level of the meatus of the lAC. The angle formed
between the tumor border and the petrous bone is
generally acute. The fourth ventricle is compressed
and displaced contralaterally by large tumors.
Tumor shape is
mostly round, oval or poly lobular, irregular
margins may be present. Assessment of tumor margin
and extent of tumor is improved significantly by the
administration of a contrast agent. Peritumoral CSF
cysts have been noted to be associated with acoustic
schwannomas greater than 25 mm in diameter.
constitute approximately 12.5 percent of all
intracranial neoplasms. The CPA is the eighth most
common site of involvement, with approximately 5
percent of all meningiomas occurring in this
location. After acoustic schwannomas, meningiomas
are the second most common CPA tumor, constituting
approximately 10 percent of CPA lesions. Meningiomas
involving the CPA may originate from the arachnoid
granulations associated with the venous sinuses or
those that exist in relation to cranial nerves and
their foramina. Meningiomas can be divided into five
histologic subtypes: fibroblastic, transitional,
syncytial, angioblastic and mixed. The fibroblastic
subtype may be histologically difficult to
distinguish from acoustic schwannomas.
CT of meningiomas
in the CPA usually reveals a well-circumscribed
spherical or ovoid mass of higher attenuation than
brain on a noncontrasted CT scan. Occasionally.
calcification is demonstrated within the tumor mass.
Generally, the epicentre of the mass is eccentric to
the meatus of the lAC. Meningiomas are usually
larger than acoustic schwannomas at presentation:
hearing loss or vestibular symptoms are not
necessarily a major clinical component. These tumors
are broad based against the dural surface of the
posterior medial petrous bone and may "wrap" around
the petrous apex. Most meningiomas show an obtuse
angle at the interface between the tumor and the
posterior surface of the petrous bone. A few
meningiomas have a plaque-like configuration, and a
small percentage are rounded and thus mimic acoustic
schwannomas. Hyperostosis of the temporal bone is
more difficult to detect because of its inherent
marked density. Thus, hyperostosis may not be an
obvious distinguishing feature as with meningiomas
in other locations. Rarely, purely intracanalicular
meningiomas have been reported.
meningiomas are typically sharply circumscribed
masses that are characteristically hypointense to
isointense with T1-weighted pulse sequences and
isointense to hyperintense with T2-weighted pulse
sequences. Following the intravenous injection of a
contrast agent, the mass enhances homogeneously. The
meningeal sign (the enhancement of a tail of dura
adjacent to the main bulk of the tumor following the
administration of gadolinium) is seen frequently
with meningiomas. This feature is not specific and
has also been associated with other neoplasms,
including schwannomas and metastases. The
enhancement of the dura is caused by tumor
infiltration and/or reactive changes.
A wide spectrum of
signal intensities may be encountered in
meningiomas, reflecting the diversity of the
histopathologic features. In one study, meningiomas
that were markedly hypointense to cortex on
T2-weighted images were composed predominantly of
fibroblastic and transitional elements, whereas
markedly hyperintense meningiomas demonstrated
predominance of syncytial or angioblastic elements.
At the tumor margin, blood vessels manifesting as
surface flow voids may be seen in meningiomas.
Calcification may be present and appears as areas of
low signal on T2-weighted images. Oedema in the
adjacent brain parenchyma may be seen as increased
signal on T2-weighted images. The criteria for
malignancy of a meningioma include: (a) significant
peritumoral oedema, (b) absence of calcium
deposition, (c) nonhomogeneous contrast enhancement,
(d) cysts within the lesion and (e) poorly defined,
irregular borders.
typically shows one or more large meningeal feeding
vessels supplying the lesion and a prominent and
persistent tumor blush. Although not necessary for
diagnosis, angiography may occasionally be selected
for preoperative tumor embolization to minimize
surgical blood loss.
Epidermoids are
the most common intracranial embryonal lesion and
third most common CPA tumor, constituting 0.2 to 1.8
percent of all intracranial tumors and 5 percent of
masses in the CPA. Epidermoids of the CPA are
thought to arise from either the proliferation of
multi potential embryonic cell rests or the
transplantation of epithelial cell rests by the
laterally migrating otic capsule or developing
neural vasculature. They are characterized by a
clinically protracted course with slow growth of
tumor and progression of symptoms. The epidermoids
spread along normal cleavage planes, extend into and
occupy more than one intracranial compartment and
envelop vital neurovascular structures. This makes
complete resection difficult, at times impossible,
without causing significant neurological deficits.
Malignant degeneration of an epidermoid into
carcinoma is rare.
In the CPA
cistern, epidermoids most commonly present with a
long history of hearing loss and tinnitus, with
vestibular symptoms being less common. Rarely, they
may present with symptoms of headache, hemifacial
spasm or trigeminal neuralgia. Aseptic meningitis
may occur secondary to rupture of the epidermoid
lining with spillage of keratin debris into the
subarachnoid space. This may occur spontaneously or
as a result of surgical intervention.
tomography of an epidermoid demonstrates a
welldemarcated lesion with irregular or scalloped
margins and homogeneous low density. This density is
often similar to that of CSF, sometimes making
identification of the exact extent of tumor
difficult. The relative hypodensity is thought to be
due to the high cholesterol and keratin content of
the desquamated debris. Rare hyperdense epidermoids
have been reported. Suggested causes for the
hyperdense appearance include high protein content,
prior haemorrhage, abundance of leukocytes,
saponification of debris to calcium soaps and
ferrocalcium or iron-containing pigments. Epidermoid
tumors usually show no contrast enhancement because
of their avascular nature, but enhancement at their
margins can sometimes be seen. The introduction of a
water-soluble contrast agent into the subarachnoid
space has been used to outline the extent of the
tumor and to identify its surface interstices,
revealing its characteristic lobulated, frond-like
appearance. These surface features help to
distinguish a hypodense epidermoid from a hypodense
arachnoid cyst.
On MRI, epidermoid
tumors have a similar intensity to that of CSF, both
on T1- and T2-weighted studies. For this reason
small lesions can be overlooked. Careful windowing
will often show internal heterogeneity and a
difference in the intensity between the tumor and
the CSF. On T1-weighted and proton-density images,
the lesion tends to be of slightly greater intensity
than CSF. Protondensity images usually provide the
most specific information, the tumor may have a
mixed signal, both hypointense and isointense or
even hyperintense, showing the multilobular
morphology of the lesion. Also, some lesions may be
surrounded by a hyperintense rim that is thought to
represent CSF trapped between the lesion and the
brain. The use of multiple pulse sequences and
multiple planes make MRI the procedure of choice for
the evaluation of epidermoid cysts. It provides the
best delineation of the lesion and its effect on
adjacent neurovascular structures. Only in rare
circumstances, when the lesion is small, there is no
expansion of the subarachnoid space and MRI is
inconclusive, it may still be necessary to perform
CT after the intrathecal instillation of a contrast
Distinguishing an
epidermoid tumor from an arachnoid cyst can be
difficult because the signal intensity of an
epidermoid parallels that of CSF (low T1 signal,
high T2 signal). Heterogeneity of the signal within
the lesion is more frequent with epidermoids (i.e.,
arachnoid cysts are more homogeneous) and these
features may be useful in differentiating between
the two lesions. Diffusion imaging and steady-state
free-precession sequences can also help distinguish
an epidermoid tumor from an arachnoid cyst.
Occasionally, an atypical epidermoid that is bright
on T1-weighted images and hypointense on T2-weighted
images is seen and thus may be confused with a fatty
Arachnoid cysts
are benign malformations of the arachnoid that are
characterized histologically by duplication of the
arachnoid. They comprise approximately 1 percent of
all intracranial lesions; however, their true
incidence is uncertain. The middle cranial fossa is
the most common site of arachnoid cyst formation,
followed in frequency by the posterior fossa. The
etiology remains largely unknown but was previously
attributed to trauma, mastoiditis, central nervous
system infection such as meningitis and subarachnoid
haemorrhage. The natural history of arachnoid cysts
is unclear. Although most remain unchanged with
time, there is a subgroup of cysts that may expand.
Arachnoid cysts
can be diagnosed easily on CT or MRI. On CT scans,
the lesions appear as cystic, extra-axial mass
lesions of the same density as CSF. The lesions do
not enhance with contrast administration and can be
confused with epidermoid tumors. On MRI, arachnoid
cysts characteristically parallel CSF in signal
intensity on all pulse sequences. Occasionally,
arachnoid cysts may have a higher signal intensity
than that of CSF if they have been complicated by
internal haemorrhage or if they have a higher
protein content. Distinction from an epidermoid can
generally be made because epidermoids have a
slightly higher signal intensity than CSF, lobulated
borders and heterogeneous internal architecture
(especially on proton-density-weighted MRI) rather
than the homogeneous internal appearance as seen in
arachnoid cysts. Diffusion or steady-state
free-precession MR images can be helpful in
distinguishing the two entities. On diffusion
imaging, arachnoid cysts are lower in signal because
of the presence of a large number of mobile protons,
whereas epidermoids are higher in signal intensity.
On steady-state free-precession MRI, arachnoid cysts
remain homogeneous, whereas epidermoid tumor signal
heterogeneity is accentuated.
of Other Cranial Nerves
schwannomas are differentiated from acoustic
schwannomas by their location. The most important in
this group is the trigeminal schwannoma, which
arises from the intradural portion of the nerve root
in the CPA or from the gasserian ganglion in
Meckel's cave. A trigeminal schwannoma may straddle
the middle and posterior cranial fossae via the
incisura, resulting in an "hourglass" configuration.
As the tumor grows along the second or third
trigeminal division, there may be concomitant
enlargement of the foramen rotundum or the foramen
ovale, respectively. Trigeminal schwannomas,
especially when large, can have a heterogeneous
appearance because of their tendency to become
cystic. On unenhanced CT, they may be isodense or
slightly hypodense. On contrast-enhanced CT, the
enhancement pattern is generally inhomogeneous
because of the presence of cysts and necrosis. On
MRI, they tend to be hypointense or isointense on
T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted
images. Enhancement is marked after the
administration of a contrast agent.
Other nonacoustic
schwannomas include facial nerve schwannomas and
jugular fossa schwannomas arising from the
glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory, or
hypoglossal nerves. They cause specific cranial
nerve symptoms and signs that are helpful in
arriving at the correct diagnosis.
Metastatic tumors
presenting as CPA lesions are rare. Reported types
of metastatic tumors to the CPA include small cell
anaplastic carcinoma of the lung, adenocarcinoma of
the breast, squamous cell carcinoma of the
oropharynx, adenocarcinoma of unknown primary,
malignant lymphoma, malignant fibrous mesothelioma,
malignant fibrous xanthoma, renal cell carcinoma,
and carcinoma of the prostate. Metastatic melanoma
presenting as a CPA lesion has also been reported
and is noted to have a special predilection for
haematogenous seeding of the lAC. In contrast to AS
and meningiomas, metastatic tumors of the CPA
usually have an acute onset of audiovestibular
symptoms associated with other cranial neuropathies,
as well as headache and postauricular or mastoid
pain. Ataxia can be seen with cerebellar invasion.
Facial palsy is common and may be diagnosed
erroneously as Bell's palsy. The rapid onset of
symptoms and signs involving the neurovascular
structures traversing the lAC, jugular foramen, or
hypoglossal canal as well as a previous history of
malignancy should suggest the diagnosis of a
metastatic lesion to the CPA.
The CT appearance
of metastatic lesions of the CPA is variable. The
tumors usually enhance with the intravenous
administration of a contrast agent because of their
hypervascularity, but they may be heterogeneous in
appearance if there are associated cysts or
haemorrhage. On MRI, their appearance is variable,
although they may appear remarkably similar to
acoustic schwannoma. There may be enhancement of the
lesion with gadolinium although usually to a lesser
degree than with acoustic schwannoma. Oedema of the
adjacent brain parenchyma, seen as increased
intensity on T2-weighted images, may be noted.
Frequently, the brain-tumor interface appears
indistinct because of tumor invasion. If metastasis
is suspected preoperatively, a thorough metastatic
evaluation is indicated with special attention to
the lungs, kidneys, breasts, liver, and prostate.
Carcinomatous meningitis should be suspected in any
patient with unexplained progressive cranial nerve
lipomas are rare lesions that constitute 0.1 to 0.5
percent of primary brain tumors. They are found in
0.06 to 0.30 percent of all CT examinations. They
are congenital malformations that result from
abnormal persistence and maldifferentiation of
meninx primitiva during the development of the
subarachnoid cisterns. They are not neoplasms or
hamartomas. Histologically, mature adipose cells are
seen, accompanied by a varying degree of
fibrovascular tissue. Most (80 to 95 percent)
intracranial lipomas occur at or near the midline,
Supratentorial lipomas frequently have associated
anomalies, such as dysgenesis of the corpus
callosum, encephaloceles and frontal lobe anomalies.
Most lipomas are asymptomatic and are discovered on
an imaging study or at autopsy as an incidental
finding. Intracranial nerves and vessels typically
course through the tumor rather than over its
surface, as in most other benign lesions.
Lipomas constitute
less than 0.14 percent of all CPA tumors, with only
about 30 reported cases in the literature. Of note,
CPA lipomas have not been associated with other
brain malformations. In contrast to other lipomas,
lipomas of the CPA frequently produce neurological
symptoms by intimately involving the
vestibulocochlear nerve. Lipomas with neurological
symptoms can be divided into two categories: those
limited to the lAC and those involving both the lAC
and the CPA. Of 30 reported cases, nine involved the
lAC only and 21 involved the lAC and CPA.
On CT. lipomas
within the CPA cisterns are easily overlooked
because they are homogeneous, hypodense and
nonenhancing. Furthermore. beam-harding artifact
frequently limits lesion conspicuity. Radiologic
evidence of lAC erosion has been described in five
of nine patients with lipomas limited to the lAC.
On MRI, lipomas follow the signal intensity of other
fatty tissues: they are bright on T1-weighted images
before contrast and isointense or hypointense on
T2-weighted images. Fat-suppression techniques can
be used to confirm the diagnosis.
Vascular lesions
such as vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia, vascular
loops, and aneurysms are rare and account for only 2
to 5 percent of CPA masses. They may mimic neoplasms
in the posterior fossa and CPA cistern.
Vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia (elongation and
dilation of the vertebral and basilar arteries) may
cause compressive symptoms of the posterior fossa
cranial nerves. Elongation of the basilar artery may
be considered to be present if any portion of it
extends lateral to the margin of the clivus or the
dorsum sellae, or if the artery bifurcates above the
plane of the suprasellar cistern. Ectasia is
diagnosed if the diameter of the basilar artery is
greater than 4.5 mm on CT. The vertebrobasilar
system is superbly demonstrated on MRI by its signal
void. The most common symptoms reported are
hemifacial spasm and/or facial paresis, and
trigeminal neuralgia.
The vascular loop
represents a second vascular lesion. A loop caused
by a tortuous anterior inferior cerebellar artery
may be located in the CPA cistern at the porus
acousticus and in the medial intracanalicular
portion of the temporal bone, and may cause acoustic
nerve symptoms. including vertigo.
Aneurysms of the
anterior inferior cerebellar artery are rare,
representing less than 1 percent of all intracranial
aneurysms. Other aneurysms may originate from the
vertebral and basilar arteries and extend into the
CPA as a mass lesion. They may be non thrombosed or
completely thrombosed, but are most commonly
partially thrombosed. On CT, they present with an
enhancing rim, an isodense nonenhancing mural
thrombus of various size, and an enhancing lumen. A
calcified rim may be present. Nonthrombosed
aneurysms enhance homogeneously. MRI demonstrates a
flow void in the patent lumen. The laminated
thrombus reveals various signal intensities and may
show a low T1 and T2 rim secondary to blood
degradation products.
Fossa Lesions
The most common
tumor of the jugular fossa is the glomus jugulare
tumor (paraganglioma). The tumor is three times more
common in women and usually presents in the fourth
and fifth decades. The clinical presentation is
primarily determined by the pattern of growth. More
commonly, lateral growth into the middle ear cavity
results in conductive hearing loss, pulsatile
tinnitus and a reddish, retrotympanic mass. Medial
growth results in specific deficits of the
glossopharyngeal, vagus and spinal accessory nerves.
When the tumor is large, atrophy of the ipsilateral
tongue may result from hypoglossal nerve
involvement. Radiologic evaluation can be performed
with CT, MRI, and angiography. Highresolution CT
with bone detail is superior to MRI in detecting
bone destruction and frequently superior for
surgical planning.
MRI is helpful for
a number of reasons: its multiplanar capability
allows for accurate localization and assessment of
the posterior fossa and intracranial extent and it
allows for detection of a characteristic
"salt-and-pepper" pattern of hypointensity and
hyperintensity. The areas of hypointensity usually
represent flow voids from multiple small and medium
vessels traversing the tumor. MRA may be used to
determine extent of jugular vein thrombosis. The
intravenous administration of a contrast agent
results in moderate to intense enhancement.
Angiography is
frequently utilized for lesion characterization and
for presurgical embolization. Paragangliomas are
characteristically hypervascular, with enlarged
arterial feeders and early draining veins. The tumor
blush is coarse, being intermediate between the
blush of meningiomas and arteriovenous
malformations. Paragangliomas are most commonly fed
by branches of the ascending pharyngeal artery.
Tumors of the
jugular foramen other than paragangliomas are
unusual. The most common of these would include
schwannomas of the caudal cranial nerves,
meningioma, metastatic carcinoma and chondrosarcoma.
These lesions generally cause expansion of the
jugular foramen or destruction of the skull base.
Tumors with Extension to the CPA Cistern
posterior fossa tumors may arise from the brain stem
or cerebellum and secondarily extend into the CPA
cistern. Tumors that may do this are astrocytomas or
other gliomas, generally occurring in children or
young adults, or metastases. On CT, they are
isodense or hypodense, and show moderate or no
enhancement, depending on cell type. The brain stem
is usually enlarged and the fourth ventricle is
displaced posteriorly. There may be exophytic growth
extending into the CPA cistern. Tumors of the
cerebellum may arise from the vermis or the
hemisphere. Vermian tumors (mainly medulloblastoma
in childhood) and hemispheric tumors (astrocytomas,
hemangioblastomas. metastases) rarely extend into
the CPA cistern.
Tumors with Extension to the CPA Cistern
Choroid plexus
papillomas and ependymomas arise from the fourth
ventricle and may grow through the foramen of
Luschka into the CPA. Childhood papillomas arise
most commonly in the lateral ventricle, followed in
frequency by the fourth ventricle. In adults, these
tumors arise most commonly within the fourth
ventricle, from which they can extend into the CPA
through the foramen of Luschka. Primary CPA choroid
plexus papillomas are rare, but have been reported,
they arise from a choroid tuft outside of the
foramen of Luschka.
CT demonstrates an
enhancing mass that may have a cystic component and
calcification. On MRI, T1-weighted images reveal a
lobulated tumor that is isointense to gray matter.
On T2-weighted images the tumor is usually
heterogeneously hyperintense. Linear and ovoid areas
of marked hypointensity may result from tumor
vascularity or calcification.

1.Most CPA tumors
are best evaluated with MRI because of the lack of
artifact from bone and the ability to obtain coronal
images directly. MRI also helps in characterizing
the lesion and is superior for detecting small
intracanalicular lesions.
2. CT is better
for identifying calcium and the extent and type of
bone destruction and alteration.
3. MRA can assist
in evaluating the degree of tumor vascularity and in
differentiating vascular lesions from neoplasms. MRA
can also assess the extent of venous compromise from
CPA mass lesions.
4. Angiography is
performed when a vascular lesion cannot be evaluated
fully by MRA and for preoperative embolization in
the case of a very vascular neoplasm.